Twenty-five more testing positive in the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM) on Saturday, taking the total number of persons infected with Coronavirus to 55, said Tamil Nadu Health Secretary J.Radhakrishnan.
According to him, the tests are being conducted in the 19 hostels in IITM complex. The infection rate is higher in a hostel that has students from other states.
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COVID: Tamil Nadu sees upward trend in new cases continues, adds 53 cases
Out of 1,420 persons, 55 have tested positive.
He also said the government will be increasing the number of Covid-19 tests from the current 18,000 to 25,000 per day.
According to the state government, on Friday, 57 persons tested positive for Coronavirus in Tamil Nadu and the total number of active Covid-19 cases stood at 286.