Tamil Nadu Chief Minsiter MK Stalin on Tuesday assured that there will never be any compromises on the safety of women in the state and severe actions are taken based on complaints
The crime rate against women was on the rise in Tamil Nadu in 2021, according to the statistics tabled in the state assembly on Tuesday. As per the data, the crimes against women in Tamil Nadu increased by 16 percent in 2021.
Violence against women has reportedly increased across the country during the Covid-19 period. According to the National Commission for Women (NCW), there were 31,000 complaints of crimes against women in 2021. In particular, the NCW said that the number of complaints received last year after 2014 was 30 per cent higher than the 23,722 complaints against crimes against women in 2020.
According to the report, there were 1,982 complaints of crimes against women in 2019, 2,025 in 2020, and 2,421 in 2021. In 2021 alone, 875 complaints of domestic violence were reported, while 689 in 2020 and 781 cases in 2019 were reported. There has also been an increase in the number of cases registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act in connection with cases of violence against children. According to the law, 2,396 cases were registered in 2019, 3,090 complaints in 2020, and the number further increased to 4,469 in 2021.
Meanwhile, the number of rape cases has gone up from 370 in 2019 to 404 in 2020 and 442 in 2021. Similarly, molestation cases which were 803 in the year 2019 increased to 892 in 2020 and the number increased to 1,077 in 2021.
Apparently, in 2019, while incidents of murder for gain were at 67, witnessed a lessened count in the year 2020 to 64, where it increased to 89 in 2021. Moreover, the number of theft cases too increased from 4,392 in 2019 to 5,157 in 2021, while the year 2020 showed a downturn. In the recovery of the stolen properties, police had recovered 64 percent of the total value of the property lost worth Rs 182 crore in 2021.
In the state assembly, Opposition leader Edappadi Palanisamy said that crimes against women are on the rise in the state. In response, Chief Minister MK Stalin said that there will never be any compromises on the safety of women in the state and severe actions are taken based on complaints. He also insisted women download the ‘Kaaval Uthavi’ app on their mobile.