The Indian Railways conducted the second stage Computer-Based Test (CBT) of Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) recruitment on May 9 and 10 for level 6 (7,124 posts) and level 4 (161 posts). The total number of candidates scheduled to take the test was 1,80,882, out of which 1,28,708 appeared for the CBT.
For the first time, Aadhaar-based authentication was done for the candidates. The second phase CBT was conducted in three shifts, two for level 6 on May 9 and one for level 4 on May 10. The scheduling was done in such a way that candidates of one RRB were given the same question paper so that there is no need for normalisation, the Southern Railway Chief PRO B. Guganesan said.
- Total 13,327 Candidates appeared out of 18,685 scheduled candidates at ten centres in the jurisdiction of Southern Railway
- First Time Aadhar based authentication was done for the candidates
- No Normalization needed due to RRB wise scheduling
The level 6 CBT was conducted at 156 centres in 111 cities across 25 states. The overall attendance for this level was about 74 per cent. The level 4 CBT was conducted at 89 centres in 56 cities across 17 states. Overall attendance was about 60.5 per cent.
RRB/Chennai and RRB/Trivandrum are the nodal recruiting agencies for Southern Railway. Only those candidates who had applied for selection and shortlisted by these two RRBs get recruited in Southern Railway.
A total of 12,028 Candidates (Level 6) were scheduled by the RRB, Chennai of which 9,107 candidates appeared for the NTPC CBT-2 examination at various centres. 75.7% of the candidates who had applied through RRB, Chennai took the examination.
A total of 6,657 candidates were scheduled by RRB, Trivandrum, out of which, a total of 4,220 candidates appeared for the examination for Level 6 and the overall attendance was 63.39%.
To facilitate the travel of candidates appearing for the examination in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka, twelve special trains were operated.