The Puducherry unit of Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) hits out at the V Narayanasamy-headed Congress government here for the current milk crisis in the union territory, causing hardship to the consumers here on Sunday.
In a statement issued here, President of the BJP state unit V Saminathan, an MLA said while the administration was concentrating on opening more liquor shops, it has ignored the milk shortage.
As against a daily requirement of 1.2 lakh litre of milk, the union territory was now producing only 60,000 litres through the Cooperative Milk Producers Federation popularly known as PONLAIT.
Saminathan said the private players were cashing in on the crisis by selling milk at exorbitant prices and the consumers were being exploited.
He said the scheme to promote dairy development in Puducherry was implemented politically favouring only those belonging to the ruling party.
Steps should be taken without delay to relieve the consumers, particularly those belonging to the below poverty line category, of the milk crisis, the BJP leader said.