Six from Gujarat and five from Tamil Nadu were among the 151 poice personnel honoured with the “Union Home Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Investigation” for the year 2022. This medal was constituted in 2018, with the objective to promote high professional standards of investigation of crime and to recognize such Excellence in Investigation.
Among the personnel receiving these awards, 15 are from CBI, 11 are from Maharashtra Police, 10 each are from Madhya Pradesh police and Uttar Pradesh Police, 8 each are from Kerala Police, Rajasthan Police and West Bengal Police and the remaining from the other States/UTs/Organizations. These include twenty eight (28) women police officers.
The award winning officers from Gujarat are Abhay Chudasama, IGP; GirishKumar Laxmanbhai Singhal, IGP; Usha Bachubhai Rada, Dy CP; Sagar Bagmar, Dy CP; Rajendrasinh Ranjitsinh Sarvaiya, ACP; and Bhupendra Natwarlal Dave, ACP.
Tamil Nadu
The five Tamil Nadu police officials include, A Kanakeshwari, Additional SP, K Amutha, Inspector; S Sasikala, Inspector; Pandi Muthulakshmi, Inspector and R Selvarajan, Sub Inspector.