The Gujarat government on Saturday launched a new Electronics Policy to generate 10 lakh new employment opportunities in the Electronics System Design & Manufacturing (ESDM) sector in the state.
Gujarat Electronics Policy (2022-28), launched by CM Shri @Bhupendrapbjp today, with a promise to establish the holistic development of Electronics sector in the State.
Click to know more about the Policy :
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) October 29, 2022
The ‘Gujarat Electronics Policy 2022-2028’ has been designed to make Gujarat a national hub of ESDM by offering a host of subsidies and incentives to the investors, said an official release.
Those wanting to invest in the ESDM sector in Gujarat will be given up to 20 pe cent capital expenditure (capex) assistance with a ceiling of Rs 200 crore under the policy, the release said, adding that eligible investors will be entitled to get 100 percent reimbursement on stamp duty and registration fee paid to the government.
- The ‘Gujarat Electronics Policy 2022-2028’ has been designed to make Gujarat a national hub of ESDM by offering a host of subsidies and incentives to the investors
- While eligible entrepreneurs are exempted from paying any electricity duty, the state government will provide a power tariff subsidy of Rs 1 per unit for a period of five years.
- Tthe state government will develop Gujarat Electronics Manufacturing (GEM) clusters for the ESDM ecosystem in the next five years
While eligible entrepreneurs are exempted from paying any electricity duty, the state government will provide a power tariff subsidy of Rs 1 per unit for a period of five years.
Other incentives include interest assistance of up to 7 percent on a term loan for a period of five years and logistics subsidy of up to 25 percent on the freight charges for five years, up to Rs 5 crore per annum, as per the release.
As per the policy document, the state government will develop Gujarat Electronics Manufacturing (GEM) clusters for the ESDM ecosystem in the next five years. These GEM clusters will have common R&D facilities, testing labs and common infrastructure facilities.