Keeping in mind the rapid pace at while our lifestyles have evolved in the past 1.5 year, with social distancing, work from home and online classes being the norm, Almond Board of California, today, hosted a session around “Changing dynamics of family health’’.
The discussion focused on the changes that families across India have witnessed, how this has impacted day to day lifestyles and highlighted preventive measures as well as small changes to ensure each member’s health.
The session was moderated by well-known RJ Megha and featured Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Sapna Vyas, as well as Integrative Nutritionist and Health Coach, Neha Ranglani.
Almonds have been a part of the Indian traditions and food habits for thousands of years now, and their health benefits have been widely quoted in several Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha texts. Over the last few years, a body of scientific evidence and research has also showcased the benefits of including this nutrient rich nut in one’s daily diet. Speaking about the benefits of regular almond consumption, as well as other dietary changes and habits, the discussion highlighted a step by step process for families to revert to their routines and enable a healthier lifestyle.
The first step focused on acknowledging the changes that have become a part of one’s own and the family’s lifestyle and pledging to make efforts for staying healthy. This included the need to take measures to strengthen the family’s immunity, a topic which has come in the forefront since the Covid19 pandemic began. Panelists spoke about the benefits of consuming almonds for immunity, as they are a source of zinc, folate and iron, nutrients which are known to contribute to normal function of the immune system. The second step was to make informed diet and snacking choices, coupled with regular exercise. And the third step outlined the need to reduce digital dependence and screen time, to better manage stress levels.
Through the session, the panelists also urged families across the city to inculcate healthier habits and inspire other friends and extended family members to instill this change. During the discussion, both panelists also shared anecdotes from their personal lives, as well as suggestions for dietary and lifestyle adjustments that families can make to better adapt to the changing lifestyle dynamics without compromising on health.
Integrative Nutritionist and Health Coach, Neha Ranglani, said, “Awareness of good food choices and snacking habits is key to leading a healthy lifestyle, especially now when the world around us is changing rapidly. Eating healthy will not only alleviate your mood and better manage your weight, but also help lower your chances of developing any chronic lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular diseases (CVD). My top recommendation for families is to make sure to focus on consuming balanced and nutrient-rich diets including a variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts like almonds. Almonds are a source of nutrients such as protein, vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin and zinc etc. and are known to provide energy, which makes them a healthy yet tasty treat. Additionally, regular almond consumption can contribute to the family’s heart health as according to research from King’s College London[2], for adults with elevated risk of heart disease, snacking on almonds every day improved endothelial function of the arteries and also lowered harmful LDL-cholesterol – both key indicators of heart health.”
Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Sapna Vyas said, “We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s important for us to adapt to it, while focusing on our own health. Now more than ever, it’s crucial for every family member – old or young – to take stock of their health amidst today’s busy lifestyle. We all know that regular exercise coupled with nutritious diets and mindful snacking is key to building a person’s health, but often don’t take it seriously. I urge everyone to break out of this thought process, and not take our body and life for granted anymore. Start by dedicating 30 minutes – 1 hour for exercise every day and choose a form you enjoy, but be sure to practice this regularly. Additionally, make sure to complement your workout routine by practicing mindful snacking which will also aid in better weight management. Eat a handful of almonds everyday as they make for a healthy and tasty snack, and are known to have satiating properties that promote feelings of fullness which can also help in keeping your cravings under control.”
Modifying dietary habits and making corrective lifestyle adjustments is one of the best ways for families to ensure better health in the long term. Besides feeling lighter, energetic and elevating the mood, a healthy lifestyle sustained over time will also help in reducing the risk of chronic and lifestyle diseases which are on the rise in India. By making small dietary and lifestyle changes like incorporating nutritious foods including a handful of almonds every day and exercising regularly, families across India can make a healthy difference to their lives.