Serum Institute of India CEO and owner Adar Poonawalla on Thursday said that he has set aside Rs 10 crore to support students travelling abroad for studies, as a few countries are yet to approve Covishield as an acceptable vaccine for entry without quarantine.
Dear students travelling abroad, as a few countries are yet to approve COVISHIELD as an acceptable vaccine for travel without quarantine, you may have to incur some costs. I have set aside Rs.10 crores for this, apply below for financial support if needed.
— Adar Poonawalla (@adarpoonawalla) August 5, 2021
“Dear students travelling abroad, as a few countries are yet to approve Covishield as an acceptable vaccine for travel without quarantine, you may have to incur some costs. I have set aside Rs 10 crore for this…,” Poonawalla said in a tweet.
He also shared a link for students to apply for financial support, if needed.
Earlier in July, he had lauded 16 European countries for recognising Covishield as an acceptable vaccine for entry.
It is indeed good news for travellers, as we see sixteen European countries recognising COVISHIELD as an acceptable vaccine for entry. However despite being vaccinated, entry guidelines might vary from country to country, so do read up before you travel.
— Adar Poonawalla (@adarpoonawalla) July 17, 2021
“It is indeed good news for travellers, as we see sixteen European countries recognising Covishield as an acceptable vaccine for entry. However, despite being vaccinated, entry guidelines might vary from country to country, so do read up before you travel,” Poonawalla had said in a tweet.