Superstar Rajinikanth has visited the Badrinath Temple in Uttarakhand to celebrate the massive success of his latest film ‘Jailer’, which has crossed the Rs 200 crore milestone in box office collections. A video which went viral on X (formerly called Twitter) shows the Tamil superstar greeting devotees, fans, policemen, pandits and was seen donning a casual blue sweater, showing his humble and modest nature.
The actor stayed inside the temple complex for over 30 minutes and participated in the Vishnu Sahastranam ritual.
Rajinikanth is known for his deeply-spiritual nature and he frequently visits grand temples across India, be it Somnath, Badrinath or Brihadesvara.
Fans, priests and policemen were both humbled and honoured upon meeting the superstar, while Rajinikanth also greatly enjoyed himself, casually talking to people and offering his ‘namaskaram’ to the pandits.
After he offered prayers inside the temple, the priests offered him a garland of tulsi leaves and some prasad, which he humbly accepted. After that he attended the evening rituals and met with the head priest of the temple, seeking his blessings.
Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, ‘Jailer’ has become a massive success, going past all projections by grossing Rs 100 crore in just two days. The film has grossed more than Rs 200 crore so far, with lifetime expectancy currently being over Rs 500-600 crore.
The movie exploded in South India where it earned most of its revenues. It is also doing well in certain Hindi markets such as in Delhi, Mumbai, Gujarat and Punjab.
Even internationally, the movie has performed splendidly, earning great sums and positive response in the US, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the UAE and the UK.
‘Jailer’ also marks a grand collaboration as Rajinikanth has worked for the first time with veteran Malayalam actor Mohanlal along with Bollywood star Jackie Shroff, which hyped it up further.
Offers prayers to Lord Badri Vishal
Legendary actor Rajinikanth, who arrived in Badrinath Dham, offered prayers to Lord Badri Vishal.
Rajinikanth also attended Lord Badri Vishal’s evening aarti.
He wore a blue shirt, trousers and completed his look with a traditional shawl and white sneakers.
He stated that his mind was satisfied and overwhelmed after having the darshan of Lord Badri Vishal.