After demanding NEET exemption, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Wednesday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to withdraw the ‘regressive step’ of making Common University Entrance Examination (CUET) mandatory for admissions to all central universities.
#CUET based on NCERT syllabus will
i) sideline our diverse school education systems;
ii) favour mushrooming of coaching centres;
iii) place students from our state in a disadvantageous position.Hence, I urge Hon'ble @PMOIndia to withdraw this regressive & undesirable step.
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) April 6, 2022
In a letter to PM Modi, the Tamil Nadu CM argued that CUET will fail to provide equal opportunity to state boards educated students as well as “grossly undermine” the relevance of development-oriented learning in schools.
Stalin, who has rallied against NEET exam for entrance to medical courses in the country, said, “There is no doubt that this CUET, similar to NEET will side-line the diverse school education systems across the country, grossly undermine the relevance of overall development oriented long-form learning in schools and make students rely upon coaching centres for improving their entrance examination scores.”