The Gujarat government on Monday eased a COVID-19 restriction related to wedding functions in open spaces and allowed 200 guests in place of the earlier limit of 100, officials said.
CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp has taken an important decision to allow 200 persons with mask and social distancing norms instead of the earlier limit of 100 guests at marriage functions. However in case of indoor wedding functions, guests up to 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) November 2, 2020
A Gujarat government release said the decision was taken by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and will be applicable from November 3.
It said guests must wear masks and follow all norms, including social distancing, in place to contain the COVID-19 outbreak while attending such gatherings.
The upper limit for guests at functions held in closed spaces like halls will be 50 percent of capacity, the release said.