Tamil Nadu wing of the All India Agricultural Students Association(AIASA) has launched a user friendly website- on the occasion of the 117th Birth Anniversary of former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Dr. K. Kamarajar, as the was observed as ‘Educational Development Day’, said a release.
The website was launched on July 15 by R. Vinoth, National Secretary, AIASA. The launch event was facilitated by V. Guhan, State President, AIASA. The efforts of Mohan Krishna Chowdry A, Vamsi Krishna Mutyala & team lie behind the development of this user-friendly and timely website.
AIASA-TN has brought out the website with the aim of delivering Agricultural updates, Farmers innovations, students innovations and Job Notifications at the reader’s swipe. The website is expected to cater not only to the needs of students but also to the regional farmers as it disseminates the news in both Tamil and English.
The website has received well from all sections of the society, which was evident from the site views soared as high as 4400.
A national level quiz was also conducted in both Tamil and English as part of the launch event. Participants from all over India participated more than 2000 participated and e-certificates will be provided for students who have crossed the slab of 70%.The website has rendered much interest and eagerness to the agricos, the release added.