Amazon on Friday announced the launch of Prime Video Channels in India. Prime Video Channels. Prime Video Channels will provide Prime members a seamless experience and access to a distinctive slate of content from a diverse set of popular video streaming services. Addressing customers’ need for a hassle-free entertainment experience, simplified discovery and frictionless payments, Prime Video Channels, acting as an intermediary, will allow Prime members the option for add-on subscriptions of popular OTT services and stream their content on the Amazon Prime Video app and website in India. The launch of Prime Video Channels will mark yet another step towards making Amazon Prime Video the preferred entertainment destination for customers in India.
At launch, Prime Video Channels will give Prime members the option to watch global and local binge-worthy content including thousands of shows, movies, reality TV, documentaries etc., from eight video-streaming services including discovery+, Lionsgate Play, Docubay, Eros Now, MUBI, hoichoi, Manorama Max, and Shorts TV – each accessible with respective add-on subscriptions. Customers therefore will need to pay only for the service they choose. At launch, Prime members can enjoy a special introductory annual subscription offer made available by the OTT channel partners.
“At Amazon, we have always focused on improving access, experience and selection for our customers,” said Gaurav Gandhi, Country Manager, Amazon Prime Video, India. “Over the last 4 years, we have continuously strived to entertain and delight our customers by programming in 10 languages, making available Exclusive and Original content from India and around the world and by ensuring a world class streaming experience across screens. All of this has made Amazon Prime Video the most loved premium streaming service with viewership from 99% of India’s pin-codes. With the launch of Prime Video Channels, we now take the next big step in our journey to entertain India by creating a video entertainment marketplace – first of its kind in India – which will not only delight our customers by giving them even more entertainment choices, but also benefit the OTT Channel partners who collaborate with us to leverage Prime Video’s distribution, reach and tech infrastructure.”
Prime Video Channels benefits for Prime members include:
- No hassle login & billing: Customers will no longer have to juggle between multiple usernames, passwords and billing due dates. With Prime Video Channels, all premium content subscriptions are managed within a single destination – Prime Video apps and website.
- More time watching, less time deciding: Customers won’t have to spend time toggling between their favorite services to discover what’s new and popular. With Prime Video Channels they can browse in one place, search across all their premium subscription and get personalized recommendations. All of this without ever having to leave the Prime Video app or website.
- Enjoy your favorite features, no matter which service: Customers can enjoy IMDb’s X-Ray feature and a single consolidated watch list and download library for offline viewing. Subscribers can also manage data consumption and much more across all their premium channel subscriptions.
- More Choice:With the launch of Prime Video Channels, close to 10,000 additional titles across 8 OTT services become available to Prime members
- Introductory Pricing:At launch, Prime members can enjoy special introductory annual subscription offers made available by the OTT channel partners.
“As content choices explode, a single interface for discovery, streaming and payments, is a key need for customers and we aim to solve for this with the launch of Prime Video Channels” added Chaitanya Divan, Head Prime Video Channels, Amazon Prime Video. “Prime Video Channels arrives in India after having successfully launched in 11 countries. Our choice of OTT partners for Prime Video Channels is reflective of our diverse and discerning customers’ entertainment needs and interest areas. The launch marks our effort to collaboratively grow the video streaming segment in the country. We look forward to increasing the selection of entertainment even further, with additional channel partners joining in the next few months.”