Samsung India has announced that its stunning lifestyle TV, The Serif will be available at a special discount of Rs 10,000 during the Amazon Prime Day sale on August 6 and August 7, 2020. Samsung is also launching its popular Front Load Hygiene Steam Washing Machine in a 7kg variant during the sale with a 19% discount and exciting EMI and cashback offers.
Samsung's stunning lifestyle TV #TheSerif and popular Hygiene Steam Washing Machine will be available at special prices during #AmazonPrimeDay sale, on August 6 & 7. Grab your offers now! Find more here
— SamsungNewsroomIN (@SamsungNewsIN) August 4, 2020
“Great design, premium technology, personalization, and functionality are key factors for people looking to buy consumer durables to upgrade their homes. We are partnering with Amazon to bring to our consumers exciting offers on the beautiful lifestyle TV, The Serif and new Front Load Hygiene Steam Washing Machine, with special discounts and cashback offers. With this portfolio, we are sure to address the evolving needs of our consumers, especially as they are spending more time at home,” said Piyush Kunnapallil, Director – Online Business, Consumer Electronics, Samsung India.
The Serifis a statement centerpiece that not only redefines TV viewing but also elevates the design of any living space. Unlike conventional TVs that belong next to the wall, The Serif can fit anywhere in the room and looks magnificent from every angle. During the Amazon Prime Day sale, consumers will also get 10% instant cashback on their HDFC debit and credit cards. They can also opt for the 24-month No-Cost EMI option, with EMIs starting as low as Rs 2,916.
Front Load Hygiene Steam Washing Machine comes with Samsung’s Hygiene Steam technology ensuring clean and sanitized clothes. It is capable of removing ingrained dirt and 99.9% of bacteria and allergens. During the sale, consumers will get a 19% discount on the washing machine, with 10% instant cashback on their HDFC debit and credit cards, and the option of a 12-month No-Cost EMI with EMIs starting as low as INR 2,458.
During Amazon Prime Day Sale, consumers will get a special discount of Rs 10,000 on all models of The Serif. Post special discount, The Serif will be available for Rs 69,990, Rs 89,990 & Rs 1,09,990 for 43-inch (1m 08cm), 49-inch (1m 23cm) and 55-inch (1m 38cm) screen size, respectively. Consumers can also opt for the 24-month No-Cost EMI option, with EMIs starting as low as Rs 2,916.
Front Load Hygiene Steam Clean Washing Machine 7kg capacity variant will be available for Rs 29,490 post a 19% discount. Consumers will get an option of 12 months no-cost EMI starting at Rs 1,166 and Rs 2,458, respectively.
That’s not all, consumers will get a 10% instant cashback on their HDFC debit and credit cards while buying any of the above products.