Amazon Prime Video on Friday announced the global premiere of eagerly awaited Hindi title, Shakuntala Devi exclusively on the streaming service. Directed by Anu Menon (Waiting, Four More Shots Please S1) and produced by Sony Pictures Networks Productions and Vikram Malhotra (Abundantia Entertainment), the biographical drama stars National Award-winning actress Vidya Balan in the lead, essaying the role of the globally renowned Indian mathematics genius, who was popularly known as the ‘human computer’.
Shakuntala Devi also stars Sanya Malhotra (Dangal, Badhaai Ho), who will be seen playing the role of Shakuntala Devi’s daughter with whom the genius enjoyed a complicated but extraordinary relationship, alongside Jisshu Sengupta (Mardaani 2) and Amit Sadh (Breathe, Kai Po Che) in pivotal roles. The screenplay is written by Anu Menon and Nayanika Mahtani, while the dialogues are penned by Ishita Moitra.
Prime members in India and in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide can watch the endearing story of Shakuntala Devi starting 31st July.