Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi on Wednesday left for Delhi, amidst the ongoing NEET row between the Raj Bhavan and the DMK-led Tamil Nadu government that had even prompted a black flag demo against him.
Ravi, who was shown black flags by DMK allies VCK and the Left among others during a visit to Mayiladuthurai district on Tuesday, left for the national capital by a private aircraft. There was no official communication over the Governor’s visit, even as Raj Bhavan sources remained tightlipped about his itinerary.
Incidentally, he had visited Delhi earlier this month and met among others, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
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The ruling DMK-piloted Assembly bill seeking exemption for Tamil Nadu from the ambit of the National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test (NEET) has become a bone of contention between the government and the Raj Bhavan, with Ravi returning the original bill adopted by the House in September last year in February 2022. The House once again resolved on the matter days after.
Some other Assembly bills are also pending with the Governor’s office. The DMK and its allies had boycotted the Tamil New Year “At Home” reception organised by Ravi last week. Chief Minister M K Stalin had said on Monday that participation would have meant hurting people’s sentiments and further eroding the dignity of the House, as the anti-NEET Bill was stuck in the Raj Bhavan and lying unattended.