Actor and producer Jackky Bhagnani’s music label Jjust Music has created an undisputable place in the industry in a very short time. With each of the songs released garnering millions of views, JJust Music is being seen as a label that is not just exploring new genres but also giving a platform to upcoming talent.
Ending the year on a high, the music label’s next is Punjabi superstar Ammy Virk’s latest song titled Haaye Ve. Ammy Virk who has become a sensation with his blockbuster hit Qismat.
Ammy says “Haaye Ve is a very special song which evokes many emotions. I wanted music lovers to listen to it before the end of this year. I couldn’t have asked for a better collaboration than with Jjust Music and Jackky paaji for this song. I hope this is just the start of our journey and we have lots more to offer in the future.”
Ammy’s earlier song Qismat was a runaway hit and both Jjust Music and Ammy Virk hope this one will top the charts too.
Haaye Ve has lyrics by Sunny Vik, video by Navjit Buttar and Music Raj Fatehpuri.