Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has advanced the YSR Vahana Mitra scheme by four months and had credited Rs 10,000 financial assistance to auto and taxi drivers in wake of the Corona lockdown, a gesture which was appreciated by beneficiaries during the video conference.
Hon'ble CM @ysjagan disbursed funds for the 2nd year in a row under #YSRVahanaMitra to 2,62,493 beneficiaries across the state. Financial assistance of Rs 10,000 has been provided to each, 4 months in advance to cope with the #COVID19 induced lockdown.
— CMO Andhra Pradesh (@AndhraPradeshCM) June 4, 2020
The YSR Vahanamitra scheme, launched on October 4, was advanced by four months as the auto and taxi drivers had no source of income during the past few months due to lockdown.
A total amount of Rs 262.49 crores was transferred to the 2,62,493 beneficiaries by the Chief Minister from his camp office here on Thursday and held a video conference of all the district collectors and beneficiaries.
The amount is meant for the repairs and maintenance for fitness certificate and vehicle tax.
During the 3,648 km padayatra, auto and taxi drivers had told their plight about the money they had to shell down for fitness certificate and the penalty of Rs 50 per day which was cutting into their income.
“We have announced the calendar for welfare schemes with the auto and taxi drivers getting Rs 236 crores transferred as unencumbered amount into their accounts which cannot be deducted by bankers for any previous commitment of the account holders” the Chief Minister said.
On June 10, financial assistance will be given to barbers, dhobis and tailors while Nethanna Nestham will be carried out on June 17, Kapu Neshtam on June 24 and second tranche for MSMEs would be released on June 29.
If anyone misses out in availing the scheme, the person can go to the respective village or ward secretariat where the list of beneficiaries and the eligibility criteria will be displayed. If any person, who is eligible and did not get the Vahana Mitra benefit, he can apply for the same, he said. They can also use the Spandana platform to claim their benefit, if they fit into the eligibility criteria. The amount will be credited by July 4.
“Our motto is transparency and there would be no discrepancy. The Chief Minister appealed to the beneficiaries to use the money for the intended purpose and do not take alcohol and drive. This would put the passengers and the driver in trouble as well”, he said.
The beneficiaries from the districts who interacted with the Chief Minister had thanked him for advancing the scheme and also thanked him for various other welfare schemes, they have been availing.
Revamp Anganwadis; provide nutritious food : CM
Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has instructed the officials to provide nutritious food to pregnant mothers and children and revamp Angandvadi kendras in the Nedu Nedu format.
In a review meeting of Women and Child Welfare Department here on Thursday, the Chief Minister said all 55,607 Anganwadi kendras should be revamped with basic needs like furniture, blackboards, toilets, running water and other amenities land prepare them like pre-schools.
He has asked the officials to draw estimates for the works to be taken up in 24,000 Anganwadis and for the remaining 31,000 Anganwadis being run in private places, efforts should be made for building own schools, he said.
In the same manner, efforts should be on for providing nutritious food for pregnant women and children at Anganwadis.
The previous government has spent only Rs 740 crores towards nutritious food to women and children in Anganwadis while we have spent Rs 1, 100 crores in the first year and will be spending Rs 1,862 crores this year.
A foolproof plan has to be prepared to provide nutritious food to mothers and children from July, he said.
Women and Child Welfare Minister T Vanitha, Chief Secretary Neelam Sawhney and other officials attended the meeting, a release from CMO said.