The Air Officer Commanding-In-Chief (AOC-in-C) of the Bengaluru-based Indian Air Force Training Command, Air Marshal Nagesh Kapoor, visited the Air Force Administrative College (AFAC), Coimbatore from 17th to 18 October 2024. He was received by Air Commodore Vikas Wahi, Commandant of the AFAC.
Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of #IAF Training Command, Air Marshal Nagesh Kapoor, visited Air Force Administrative College, Coimbatore. He exhorted all to excel professionally and undertake future challenges efficiently. He was received by AFAC commandant Air Cmde Vikas Wahi.
— Defence PRO Chennai (@Def_PRO_Chennai) October 18, 2024
The Air Marshal was presented with a ceremonial Guard of Honour followed by a detailed presentation covering various training facilities in the College.
During the visit, the Air Marshal inspected the faculties and training infrastructure in the college and reviewed the ongoing training activities.
In his address, the AOC-in-C stressed upon the key role being played by the AFAC in imparting professional military education to the trainee officers of the Indian Air Force. Emphasizing the importance of continuous training, the Air Marshal shared the vision of the IAF in expanding its capabilities as an aerospace power. He exhorted everyone to continue to excel professionally to undertake future challenges effectively and efficiently.