Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has launched the third phase of Dr YSR Kanti Velugu for Avva Tatha – (free eye screening and treatment for old aged people) and the Nadu Nedu for revamping government hospitals to meet the national standards.
Speaking on the occasion after laying the foundation stone for a health sub-centre, here on Tuesday, the Chief Minister said the government was giving priority to cover the health and well-being of all sections of people.
The state now has 11 teaching hospitals and 16 more hospitals will be started so that medical care will be available in all regions and the 27 hospitals will ensure that doctors and medical staff are available at all times, he said.
Under Dr YSR Kanti Velugu, 56,88,420 people above the age of 60 years will be benefited and eye screening will be available at the Village Secretariats. Wherever necessary, surgeries will be done from March 1. The surgeries will be carried out at all the existing 11 teaching hospitals, besides district, area hospitals and other NGO-run facilities. An amount of Rs 560 crore would be spent for the Kanti Velugu programme, he said.
At least 80% of blindness can be prevented by providing a pair of spectacles and cataract surgeries under Dr YSR Kanti Velugu programme. It is being implemented in six phases over a period of 2.5 years on a mission mode, he said.
Each screening team for Dr YSR Kanti Velugu consists of ASHA, Village Secretariat ANM, Sub-Centre ANM and para medical ophthalmic officer. In all, 500 teams have been identified to conduct the secondary eye screening from government and NGO eye hospitals in the villages. In each mandal, 2-3 screening teams will conduct the activity. PHC Medical Officer is the in-charge officer for supervision and smooth conduct of the programme.
The interventions provided as part of the programme are primary basic eye screening, prescription of spectacles, essential medicines to needy patients, referral for cataract surgeries and referral for tertiary eye care management.
After the screening, examination details will be entered online. Medical records, formats, banners and posters would be displayed in all districts for education and communication, he said.
The Chief Minister said that under this Nadu-Nedu programme, all the hospitals would be upgraded to national standards and will provide treatment on a par with corporate hospitals. Strengthening, new construction, repair and renovation of hospitals will be taken up at a cost of Rs 15,337 crores to improve the health care facilities in all government hospitals and to provide better services for poorest of the poor public, he said.
Number of medical colleges will be increased to 16
In addition to the 11 existing medical colleges, 16 more are going to be set up in the state in accordance with the increasing population, he said. A pictorial display of Nadu Nedu (Then and Now) will be on display after the hospitals are revamped and infrastructure is in place to mark the difference.
As part of the first phase, an amount of Rs 1,129 crores has been allocated for the health and wellness centres (sub-centres). In all, 1,086 sub-centres in the government buildings were strengthened under NHM funds by district collectors at a cost of Rs 2.83 lakhs. A prestigious initiative by the government is to set up 4906 sub-centres at a cost of Rs 23 lakhs, he said.
Jagan’s jibe at Naidu
Even while highlighting the development and welfare programmes being taken up the government at the launch of Kanti Velugu and Nadu-Nedu programmes, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy took a jibe at the Opposition leaders and a section of the media for spewing hatred at the government.
The Chief Minister said there is cure for at least 2,000 diseases in Arogyasri programme, including for cancer, but there was no medicine for curing jealousy anywhere in the world, while a taking a dig at Opposition leader N Chandrababu Naidu. He said there was remedy for any eye ailment in Kanti Velugu programme, but there was no cure for an evil eye.
Similarly, the Chief Minister said there was remedy for any ailment of the old-aged people in Arogyasri, but there was medicine for an envious mind anywhere. Taking a dig at a section of the media which goes all-out to praise those who scoff at the government programmes, he said there was no cure for its venomous and outrageous attack on the government.