Andhra Pradesh on Sunday reported over 10,000 cases for the fifth straight day as its tally of 4.24 lakh saw it go past Tamil Nadu to the second spot behind Maharashtra in the overall infection count.
Adding 10,603 fresh cases in 24 hours ending 9 am on Sunday, APs Covid-19 tally reached 4,24,767. Tamil Nadu as of Saturday has reported a total of 4,15,590 COVID-19 positives. While the infection positivity rate in AP reached an alarming 11.59 per cent, that of Tamil Nadu stood at 8.93 per cent.
The latest bulletin of the Andhra Pradesh government said 9,067 patients got cured and discharged from hospitals across the state while 88 more succumbed to the pandemic. The overall toll now mounted to 3,884 while the total recoveries stood at 3,21,754, according to the bulletin.
The number of active cases in the state is now just short of the one-lakh mark, at 99,129 on Sunday. East Godavari and SPS Nellore continued to report cases in excess of 1,000 while West Godavari, Kadapa and Chittoor added over 900 each in 24 hours.
Four other districts reported over 800 cases each. SPS Nellore saw 14 fresh Covid-19 casualties, Chittoor 12 and Kadapa nine. Anantapuramu and West Godavari reported seven more deaths each, East Godavari and Srikakulam six each, Krishna, Kurnool and Vizianagaram five each while Guntur, Prakasam and Visakhapatnam recorded four more fatalities each in the last 24 hours, the bulletin added.