In a rare medical feat, Apollo Children’s Hospital in Chennai detected ‘Brain Vascular Malformation’ of baby before birth, and saved the baby’s life 48 hrs after birth.
The baby ‘Shakti’ of Erode town in Tamil Nadu had extremely rare blood vessel abnormality in the brain, called ‘Vein of Galen Malformation (VOGM). The abnormality seen in 1 in 3 million births and the malformation was detected at the antenatal stage during the mother’s pregnancy.
Dr Srinivasan Paramasivam, Head of Neuro-Endovascular Surgery, Apollo Hospitals suggested the baby’s parents to go for ‘Endovascular embolization’. The mother was admitted to the hospital, antenatal MRI was performed and the baby was delivered through C-section.

As expected before birth, the baby developed heart failure and multi organ failures secondary to the brain vascular Vein of Galen malformation. 48 hrs after birth, the neonate was taken up for Endovascular embolization of the malformation in the brain by a team of doctors.
Explaining the complex procedure, Dr Srinivasan Paramasivam said, “The Vein of Galen malformation is high flow abnormal connection leading to extra pressure in the veins that in turn causes a rush of blood toward the heart and lungs forcing the heart to work overtime to get blood to the rest of the body. This can lead to congestive heart failure in the infants with the abnormality. As the diagnosis was made at an antenatal stage when the foetus was in the womb (30 weeks of pregnancy), we were able to prepare in advance to treat the baby immediately after birth. Successful treatment of vein of Galen malformations is a complex therapeutic challenge and as ‘Endovascular embolization’ have shown to have good clinical outcomes, it was decided to go in for that procedure.”

In ‘Endovascular embolization’, abnormal blood vessels in the brain are treated without having to perform open surgery. The procedure cuts off blood supply and blocks flow to the affected area, in this case, to the malformation. It is carried out by insertion of a catheter, a long, thin tube through the umbilical artery saved during the child’s birth, which is then advanced into the affected blood vessel in the brain and “Super Glue (mixed with Poppyseed Oil)” is injected to block the vessel’’.
Dr Paramasivam further said, “Successful embolization was carried out by approaching through the umbilical artery and using cardiac pacing. This is a novel technique to temporarily stop the flow of blood in the bodies during surgery, for inducing hypotension to aid in controlled embolization. This technique has been used in combination with brain embolization only a few times across the world.”
During the entire procedure that took nearly 4 hours from the preparation only 18 ml of concentration was used.
The procedure was performed in the Cath-lab at Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai. Post the emergency procedure the baby has recovered and is doing well. The baby was discharged after 10 days of the procedure,” Dr Paramasivam added.
Dr. Srinivasan Paramasivam can be contacted over 91 93450 69292 and by mail:
Speaking with Dr Paramasivam said this was the first such successful procedure in India, he had already saved over 30 lives through this procedure abroad.
While appreciating the doctors’ team, Ms. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director Apollo Hospitals Group said, “Apollo Hospitals has been in the forefront in treating rare diseases among children. The efficient team of doctors at Apollo Children’s hospital always strives to develop sophisticated treatment techniques to save lives. During this pandemic we at Apollo Hospitals have been addressing patients on a war footing, our doctors have ensured that there is no delay in time sensitive procedures. This procedure stands as a testimony to their commitment in reaching any extent to save lives.”
Addressing the media, father of the infant Mr Thuyavan said that he did much research over internet and found the contact of Dr Srinivasan Paramasivam through a medical team from abroad. He explained the ordeal and thanked the team of doctors for the successful procedure and gave a fresh lease of life to his child Shakti.
The mother and child were present during the media conference at Apollo Children’s Hospitals, Chennai.