Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and his UP counterpart Yogi Adiyanath on Saturday accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of “copying” Gujarat’s initiatives and “selling” them as his own, after the latter tweeted that he had suggested the “one district, one product” concept for cluster development.
Rahul ji,
Copying Gujarat’s initiatives and selling them as your ideas does not show your smartness.
I don’t expect you to know details of anything, but your script-writers should know better!
How about a ‘One defeat, One reinvention’ policy for you?
— Vijay Rupani (Modi Ka Parivar) (@vijayrupanibjp) July 25, 2020
Rupani said this concept was initially proposed and launched by then chief minister of Gujarat, Anandiben Patel, way back in 2016.
In his tweet, Rahul shared a news report from Solan in Himachal Pradesh about “one district, one product” survey being carried out by the Industries Department for the Centrally-sponsored cluster development programme for micro and small enterprises.
“This is a good idea. I had suggested it some time back. Its implementation will need a complete change of mindset,” Rahul tweeted on Saturday.
Hitting back, Rupani linked a February 15, 2016 tweet from Anandiben Patel when she was CM.
Patel is the current Governor of Uttar Pradesh and holding additional charge of Madhya Pradesh.
In her tweet, Patel had talked about ”one village, one product” concept and said it will be “initiated on a pilot basis to preserve languishing crafts through focussed approach and support”.
“Rahul Ji, Copying Gujarat’s initiatives and selling them as your ideas does not show your smartness. I don’t expect you to know details of anything, but your script-writers should know better! How about ”One defeat, one reinvention” policy for you?” Rupani tweeted.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also targeted Gandhi, without naming him, and said his government had given the mantra of “one district, one product” and has been working to implement it.
This scheme is proving very effective in giving employment to people locally during the coronavirus crisis, he said.
Will he ever desist from his “childish” behaviour, he added.
“His memory is either weak or is like this only. He will remember this if he thinks hard. The BJP in its 2017 manifesto had spoken about promoting local products of every district. This has proved a boon for small industries and artisans,” Adityanath said, in a swipe at the Congress leader.