Former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday alleged the BJP did not want the Congress government-led by V Narayanasamy to continue when assembly elections were round the corner.
“Now Narayanasamy is the Chief Minister. The aim is to remove him, so that the elections do not take place while he is in power. This is undemocratic way of doing things,” Siddaramaiah told reporters in Mangaluru.
He was reacting to the fall of the congress government in the union territory on Monday after Narayanasamy resigned ahead of the confidence vote in the Assembly with the coalition ministry reduced to a minority due to a spate of resignations of party MLAs and a DMK legislator recently. Narayanasamy met Lt Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan and submitted the resignation of his four-member cabinet, ahead of the Assembly elections due in April-May.