BJP MP Mansukh Vasava has alleged that the police in Gujarat’s Bharuch district have threatened some tribal families for alleged encroachment on government land. However, the police have refuted the MP’s allegation.
In a Facebook post, Vasava, former Union Minister of State for Tribal Affairs, said he would join these families’ fight against the police’s ‘tyranny’.
Bharuch Superintendent of Police Rajendrasinh Chudasama, however, refuted Vasava’s claims.
“Seven tribal families have lived in shanties near Bharuch SP headquarters for last 60-70 years. The land belongs to the government, but the district SP and police inspector have been threatening them with a warning to remove these shanties,” Vasava said in his Facebook post on Tuesday.
The police were going ahead with planned demolition without ‘taking into consideration their appeals and without providing any alternative accommodation’, the MP alleged.
“Tribals in the area have expressed anger…and I will also join their fight against tyranny of police officials,” he said.
SP Chudasama said the MP had received ‘misleading representation’.
“While securing the compound wall of our headquarters, we found some families living illegally on the premises, with no documents to prove ownership, and we have served them notices for vacating the land,” he said.
“Some of these occupants are retired policemen who have constructed shanties with the sole intention to encroach upon the land despite having pucca houses in the city,” he said.