‘Boonie Bears: Guardian Code’ is an animated science fiction comedy and is the ninth film in the Boonie Bears series. It has been directed by Lin Yongchang and Shao Heqi. In the film, young Briar and Bramble lose their mother in a forest fire, and many years later, Vick brings them to a robot research institute, where they unexpectedly receive news of their mother!
It’s a story that’s filled with emotions while imparting a message of perseverance, making it a poignant choice for those seeking a cinematic experience.
The story centres on Briar (Patrick Freeman), who, even after years, harbours resentment towards his mother for leaving him and his brother, Bramble (Joseph S Lambert), to investigate what appears to be a fire but never returns. When their logger friend, Vick (Paul Rinehart), takes them to a famous robotics research facility, they meet a young scientist named Charlotte (Olivia Seaton-Hill), who possesses a beautiful necklace that belonged to their mother and holds clues to her disappearance. Determined to uncover the mystery with unwavering courage, they end up becoming targets of a nefarious gang of sinister scientists and robotic monsters. But, it ultimately leads them to the revelation of the truth behind the events of that fateful night.
Patrick Freeman fully immerses himself in the character of Briar, infusing the cynical bear with various emotional complexities. His delivery captures the bear’s guarded nature, and will surely make you sympathize with his voice alone. On the other hand, Joseph S. Lambert manages to not only make Bramble sound chirpy and fun, but also make him sound serious with his pitch. He has brought forth the comedic moments in the film with his clumsiness and unwavering optimism.
As for Kally Khourshid, she has versatility, whether portraying a fierce warrior and a sentient robot as Ursa, or a nurturing mother as Barbara. There’s a robotic touch in her voice, but also an equal amount of warmth and tenderness, which will make you feel for her. One other voice actor who stands out is Chris Boike, who takes on the role of both Leonard and Dr. Roland. He has seamlessly transitioned between these two distinct characters, ensuring that each voice is recognizable.
Patrick Freeman, Joseph S. Lambert, Maxx Rinehart, Kally Khourshid, Olivia Seaton-Hill, Chris Boike, Nichalia Schwartz, Siobhan Lumsden and Nicola Vincent
Writers: Cui Tiezhi, Liu Zhenjie and Xu Yun, Music: Qin Zao, Li Zhiping, Directors: Lin Yongchang and Shao Heqi