The BJP’s Rajya Sabha nominee from Puducherry, S Selvaganapathy is set to be elected ”uncontested” as his nomination alone was found to be in order during scrutiny of papers on Thursday.
Secretary to the territorial assembly R Mounisamy, who is the Returning officer of the election said the nominations of five independents were rejected at the end of scrutiny today as there were no required number of proposers for their nominations.
The Secretary to the assembly said a formal announcement of election of Selvaganapathy ”uncontested” as member of Rajya Sabha from the Union Territory would be made on September 27, the last day for withdrawal of nominations.
Selvaganapathy, former nominated MLA of Puducherry, was sponsored for the poll by the BJP with the support of the AINRC, which is heading the coalition ministry here.
Selvaganapathy is the Treasurer of the Puducherry unit of BJP and is running a higher secondary school and a College of Teachers Education. He was the nominated member in the previous territorial Assembly.