Union Minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh virtually inaugurated 321 projects at the Fisheries Summer Meet held in Madurai, Tamil Nadu on Friday. These initiatives, approved under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), represent a total investment of Rs 114 crore, an official statement said.
- Union Ministers of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, S P Singh Baghel and George Kurian, along with Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister Anitha R Radhakrishnan were present at the event
The projects covering 19 states and Union Territories include fish retail kiosks, shrimp hatcheries, brood banks, ornamental fish units, biofloc units, fish feed mills, and fish value-added enterprises.
PMMSY, a flagship programme of the Centre, aims to foster sustainable development in the fisheries sector.
While details of specific financial assistance were not disclosed, the scheme is expected to significantly bolster local businesses and enhance the country’s fisheries output.
The minister also distributed Kisan Credit Cards, presented PMMSY achievement award letters to beneficiaries and felicitated Fish Farmers Producers Organisation (FFPOs) onboarded on Open Network Digital Commerce (ONDC).
The collaboration with ONDC has served numerous benefits for the FFPOs like reduced transaction costs, increased market reach, improved transparency, increased competition & competitiveness, innovation, and employment generation.
Union Ministers of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, S P Singh Baghel and George Kurian, along with Tamil Nadu Fisheries Minister Anitha R Radhakrishnan were present at the event.