After Tamil actor Vishal shared his ordeal and accused the Central Board of Film Certification of corruption charges, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting reacted to the same and ordered an investigation into the matter. For those who are late to the story, the Mark Antony star released a video on his social media and made shocking allegations against the CBFC.
#Corruption being shown on silver screen is fine. But not in real life. Cant digest. Especially in govt offices. And even worse happening in #CBFC Mumbai office. Had to pay 6.5 lacs for my film #MarkAntonyHindi version. 2 transactions. 3 Lakhs for screening and 3.5 Lakhs for…
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) September 28, 2023
I&B Ministry called it ‘extremely unfortunate’ and directed the Producers Guild of India and Motion Picture Association to take necessary action.
- On Thursday, Vishal released a video and accused the Central Board of Film Certification of corruption
- Vishal alleged that he had to pay Rs 6.5 lakh in total for the Hindi release of ‘Mark Antony.’
On Twitter, I&B wrote, “The issue of corruption in CBFC brought forth by actor @VishalKOfficial is extremely unfortunate. The Government has zero tolerance for corruption and strictest action will be taken against anyone found involved.”
The issue of corruption in CBFC brought forth by actor @VishalKOfficial is extremely unfortunate.
The Government has zero tolerance for corruption and strictest action will be taken against anyone found involved. A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting…
— Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (@MIB_India) September 29, 2023
“A senior officer from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has been deputed to Mumbai to conduct an inquiry today itself. We request everyone to cooperate with the Ministry, by providing information about any other instance of harassment by CBFC at,” the tweet further read.
In a video released by him, Vishal alleged that he had to pay Rs 6.5 lakh in total for the Hindi release of ‘Mark Antony.’ He said the makers applied for a certificate online but had to visit the office in the flesh due to a glitch.
“But, we were taken aback by what happened at the CBFC office in Mumbai. When my person visited the office, we were given the option to pay the price of Rs lakh and get the certification the same day. We were left with no option,” the actor said.