ADROIT-2021, a national level Award ceremony, was organised by the Society for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Professionals (SAMP) at KSR Institute for Engineering and Technology in Namakkal.
In his inaugural address, Dr J Arivudainambi, working President of the SAMP said, “In the Aviation Industry, sky is the limit for job opportunities but to meet this demand we need skilled manpower. India is today one of the youngest nations in the world with more than 62% of the population in the working age group (15-59 years), and more than 54% of the total population below 25 years of age. In fact, in the next 20 years, the labour force in the industrialised world is expected to decline by 4%, while in India it will increase by 32%. However, current statistics shows that only 2% of the total employees in India have completed skill development training. In today’s age of globalisation and technological volatility, skill building is an important instrument to increase the efficacy and quality of labour for improved productivity and economic growth.”
Dr J Arivudainambi added that “Skill and knowledge development are the driving forces behind the financial growth and community development of any country. Skill building is a powerful tool to empower individuals and improve their social acceptance. It must be complemented by economic growth and employment opportunities to meet the rising aspirations of youth. The challenge lies not only in a huge quantitative expansion of facilities for skill training, but also in raising their quality. India can then become the global sourcing hub for skilled employees. Finally, we, the technical people, should adopt the changes. And change is not a problem it is the solution.
The Society is actively involved in training Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and other Technical Skilled persons in the field of Aviation.
Dr M Venkatesan, Principal of the Institute, said in his presidential address that Faculty Members should involve in organizing disciplinary skilled development programmes for the benefit of the students.
Dr P Murugesan Director, Industry-Institute Interaction Cell, welcomed the gathering.