With an aim to make all stakeholders of the textile industry empower themselves to “ENCASH” the evolving boom, by 2022, IDEAS, a Chennai –based training organization run by a team of experts, is holding a six-day online empowerment programme – Tex Tycoon – in the last week of this month, a top official of the organisation said.

Speaking to media, Y Kathiresan, one of the directors of IDEAS, said, “Our nation is expecting a revolution – Indian Textile Industry 4.0 by 2022. The textile industry, after agriculture, generates the largest number of employment – 1.29 crore – for skilled as well as unskilled people. The Indian apparel sector, the world’s fourth-largest producer of textile and garments, contributes approximately 7% to industrial output in value terms, 2% to the GDP, and 15% to the country’s export earnings. Still, the entire world, including India, is dependent on China for all kinds of textile-related products ”
To provide a roadmap for the growth of the Indian textile industry with experts from four main clusters – raw material, processing, finishing, and marketing – will emphasise on self-sufficiency, value-addition, and increasing inherent competitiveness of the industry. They will also offer an overall insight into the industry. Furthermore, the programme will give the participants tips on Smart Working for Success, he added.
To provide a roadmap for the growth of the Indian textile industry with experts from four main clusters – raw material, processing, finishing, and marketing – will emphasise on self-sufficiency, value-addition, and increasing inherent competitiveness of the industry. They will also offer an overall insight into the industry. Furthermore, the programme will give the participants tips on Smart Working for Success, he added.
Programme details
The online empowerment programme will be held for six days and the total duration of. the programme would be 12 hours, 2 hours in each session. One batch will have 60 participants – consisting of 4 clusters x 15 participants.
At the end of the programme, the database of all 60 participants will be of great value for collaboration mindset.
The registrations for the first batch will close on July 18, 2020, and the programme will commence on July 23, 2020. Participants can register online at
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