CineMan Productions Ltd. and Khushi Advertising on Tuesday unveiled the logo of their upcoming Premium Gujarati content streaming platform- ‘OHO’. Over the years, OTT platforms in India have gained immense popularity especially among millennials, but there was a great need for a platform in the regional language, the joint release said.
To serve the changing needs of the Gujarati audience and to provide creative and quality content in a different genre, ‘OHO’ has been envisaged with the motto of ‘By the Gujaratis, For the Gujaratis’. The naming process has also been very interesting where suggestions from the people were invited. About 100 names were suggested for the OTT platform of which three names were shortlisted and based on an online poll the name OHO was finalized, the statement added.
On the occasion, Abhishek Jain, filmmaker and the founder of CineMan Productions Ltd. said, “Since the start of my journey in Gujarati films, back in 2011, I have been grateful to the audiences for their positive reciprocation and it is only due to their love for the language that has pushed me so far to make more and more Gujarati content. Right after a decade, today, we feel the need to tell stories from every corner of Gujarat, to be able to collaborate with every talent available in our vicinity, and to fulfill this, we need a movement of content creation, thus OHO was born out of people’s need to tell people’s story for the people of Gujarat. We proudly call it ‘gaamdathilai global sudhini gujarati vartao’……………..”.
Commenting on the launch of the logo, Pranay Shah, Owner, Khushi Advertising said, “This is not just another business for us. This is something, which is very close to our heart. Gujarat is culturally very rich & has lots of young talent around. We wanted to create a platform for them, where they could showcase their art, creativity & talent to a global audience and at the same time, the Global Gujarati Community will also get a chance to see and admire some exclusive, premium, and high-quality entertainment. This is our small attempt to give something back to our society, where a rich heritage of Gujarati Literature can be cherished.”.
Certainly, this is a matter of pride and happiness for the Gujarati film industry as it will encourage budding and established writers, directors, and artists, etc. in the Gujarati language to showcase their creativity not only in Gujarat but across the world.
It is to mention that the story or content selection process has been kept democratic and web series lovers will be able to watch it with the family.
The logo was released on various social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and it has received encouraging responses from the people.