Chief Minister Vijaybhai Rupani on Saturday released a special charity cover developed by the Gujarat Postal Department (GPD) on the theme of ‘The Art of Living with COVID19’ with an objective to spread awareness among the people about the essential changes require in lifestyle for safe living during the pandemic of COVID 19.
The cost of the special charity cover is Rs. 100 each. Out of the sale proceeds of each cover Rs 75 will be donated to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund (CMRF) to fight against coronavirus. The GPD has prepared such 25,000 special charity covers.
On the occasion, a donation cheque of Rs. 18 lakh was handed over to the Chief Minister for the CMRF by the GPD. While accepting the donation, Rupani had congratulated the postal department. This is the first of its kind special charity cover with QR-Code in the country. This special charity cover is linked to a video developed by the Health and Family Welfare Ministry on a theme of necessary cautions and vigilance require against COVId-19.
This special charity cover can be purchased from the General Post Office in Ahmedabad or the Head Post Offices of Rajkot and Vadodara cities as well as online from Indian Post Department’s website
The Chief Minister also lauded the public services works done by the Post Department during the pandemic of COVID-19.
The event was also graced by Ashok Kumar Podar, Chief Post Master General (GPD), Sunil Sharma, Director (Gujarat Postal Services), and S. N. Dave, Regional Head, Ahmedabad.