Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Friday assured Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the state government would try to finish building over 1,000 houses under the Light House Projects (LHP) in Rajkot city within the deadline.
PM Shri @narendramodi today virtually laid the foundation stone of Light House Projects as part of Global Housing Technology Challenge-India in 6 Indian cities including Rajkot where 1144 houses will be built with the help of tunnels, monolithic concrete construction technology.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) January 1, 2021
The prime minister on Friday laid the foundation stone for 1,144 residences coming up in Rajkot under the LHP.
Rajkot is one of the six cities in India chosen by the Modi government for this project to provide homes to the urban poor using green construction technology.
“The 1,144 houses in Rajkot will be built at Rs 118 crore,” Rupani said in his address in Rajkot ahead of the virtual foundation stone-laying ceremony.
On the first day of New Year 2021, CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp inaugurated & performed ground-breaking of various development works worth Rs.112.31-cr of @smartcityrajkot & Rajkot Urban Devl Authority and also launched workplace travel concession pass scheme for construction workers.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) January 1, 2021
“The Light House Project will help the government provide houses to poor and middle-class citizens. I thank the PM for selecting Rajkot for this project. Crores of poor people across the country will get their houses. We will try our best to complete the project in time,” Rupani said.
In a pride moment for Gujarat, PM Shri @narendramodi announced three PMAY(U) Special Category Awards for Policy Initiatives, Best Affordable Housing Project on Private Land & Best In-Situ Slum Rehabilitation Project for outstanding contribution towards #HousingForAll by Gujarat.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) January 1, 2021
The chief minister further said that the Gujarat government will ensure that Rajkot’s LHP will become a model for other states.
“We will be using tunnel formwork construction technology, which will help us reduce the cost,” he added.
Giving details about the ongoing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), the chief minister told the PM that the state government has given a go-ahead to build 7.29 lakh affordable houses in Gujarat under the scheme.
“Gujarat is leading in the implementation of the PMAY. We have already allotted 4.39 lakh houses to the beneficiaries under the scheme to date. Around 2.95 lakh beneficiaries also received a subsidy on their home loans under the scheme,” Rupani said.
To give additional relief to the poor and the middle-class, the state government does not collect any stamp duty and registration charges from beneficiaries, Rupani told Modi.
On the occasion, the chief minister also inaugurated or laid foundation stones for different projects, meant for Rajkot, worth Rs 112 crore.
The state government has launched projects worth Rs 20,000 crore in five months, he said.