Colorectal (Bowel) cancer or CRC is the fourth-most common cancer in India, and one of the six most common gastrointestinal cancers in India. Despite the incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) being low in India, it is a leading cause of cancer deaths, said experts at a symposium on colon cancer here on Friday.
The Tamil Nadu Gastroenterologist Trust and Apollo Hospitals have jointly organised the ‘Colon Cancer Symposium 2025’ to emphasize that ’CRC is preventable, curable and treatable.’
- The Tamil Nadu Gastroenterologist Trust and Apollo Hospitals organises the ‘Colon Cancer Symposium 2025’ to emphasize that ’CRC is preventable, curable and treatable.’
- Colonoscopy screening is the only way to detect CRC early, and this is advisable for adults starting at age 40-50
- In India around one-third of these cancers affect earlier at the age of 40-50 yrs . Men are affected more than women: Dr. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director of Apollo Hospitals Group
K.R. Palaniswamy, president, Tamil Nadu Gastroenterologist Trust and senior consultant, gastroenterology, Apollo Hospitals, said, “If patients report early to a doctor, CRC can also be cured. Unfortunately, as is the case, reporting to the physician late in an advanced stage severely limits the kind of interventions medicine can provide. Colonoscopy screening is the only way to detect CRC early, and this is advisable for adults starting at age 40-50. In the US, colonoscopy was compulsory for persons after the age of 45”
Dr. Suneeta Reddy, Managing Director of Apollo Hospitals Group, said, “In India, 1 in 10,000 people develop this cancer . Sadly 2 out of 3 persons diagnosed with this cancer die in the same year. This is because the cancer gets diagnosed late. Colon cancer develops in majority as small clumps of excess growing cells in the lining (mucosa) of the large bowel. For a long time, this may not cause any symptom at all. By the time it causes any symptoms, it’s likely that bowel cancer is already in advanced stage. Usually, it affects people aged 50 years or more. But our concern is that in India around one-third of these cancers affect earlier at the age of 40-50 yrs . Men are affected more than women.“
Causes of Bowel Cancer
Changing dietary habits, the increasing incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases, sedentary lifestyles, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity, apart from genetic factors, have resulted in the increasing incidence of CRC all over the world. Early diagnosis, which dictates favourable outcomes and cures for cancer, depends on awareness. Members of the public must consult a doctor if they notice any symptoms – change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and weakness, feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, lump or mass in the abdomen, apart from a family history of colon cancer or precancerous polyps, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Cancer in all its forms is increasing worldwide. Colorectal (Bowel) cancer is cancer arising from large intestine. Depending upon the location in the large bowel it can be either colon cancer or rectal cancer – latter arising from the last end of the colon. Though India has lower incidence of this cancer compared to the Western and developed Asian countries, it is worrying that the cancer occurrence is definitely increasing in recent times.
Symptoms of Bowel Cancer
Diarrhoea, Constipation, Change in caliber/shape of stools, Urgency to pass stools, Blood in stools, Tummy pain and bloating, Weight loss and Anemia and weakness.
How to prevent colon cancer affecting us?
Reduce risk factors: Maintain ideal body weight, Regular physical exercise, Stop smoking, Avoid excess alcohol, Reduce red meat consumption, Avoid processed food andEat more vegetables and fruits
Get ‘’screened’’ for bowel cancer – when you have no symptom at all: If you have family member(s) with bowel cancer especially before age of 50; breast, uterus , ovary cancer etc; long standing inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis and on medications for some years after organ transplantation.