Gujarat witnessed 1,883 COVID-19 cases and 14 deaths in the last 24 hours, taking the tally in the state to 12,12,370 and toll to 10,775, a health department official said on Friday.
The discharge of 5,005 persons during this period took the recovery count to 11,83,294, leaving the state with 18,310 active cases, of which 105 patients are on ventilator support, he said.
Of the new cases, Ahmedabad city led with 618, followed by 282 in Vadodara city, 96 in Vadodara district, 95 in Mehsana district, among other areas, he said.
As many as 10.07 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Gujarat so far, including 2.06 lakh during the day, he said.
In adjoining Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, six COVID-19 cases reported in the last 24 hours took the tally to 11,391, including four deaths, while the discharge of 11,359 persons so far had left the Union Territory with 29 active cases, a local official said.
Gujarat COVID-19 figures are positive cases 12,12,370 new cases 1,883, deaths 10,775 discharged 11,83,294 active cases 18,301 and people tested so far – figures not released.