About 2.6 kilogram of gold in paste form, worth Rs 1.15 crore, has been seized from a couple who arrived here recently from Dubai on a Vandhe Bharat mission flight, the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence said here on Wednesday.
The DRI officials, acting on a tip off, kept a watch on passengers coming on these flights and nabbed the couple after they came out of the green channel as they did not give convincing replies to questions, a release said.
They first denied carrying any gold articles. However a search revealed a few packets stitched on to their inner garments, containing 2.61 kg of gold in paste form, valued at Rs 1.15 crore, the release said.
The couple had arrived here two weeks back and were in quarantine after undergoing COVID-19 tests, it said. After completion of their quarantine period on Tuesday, they were summoned and arrested under provisions of the Customs Act, 1962, the release said.