54 new COVID-19 cases and two deaths were reported in Tamil Nadu on Thursday. With this, the tally rose to 1683 and the death toll to 20, officials said.
Of the total number of 54 cases, 27 from Chennai, but 90 persons were cured and discharged from various hospitals across the state.
Watching this 90+ yrs old mother and 60+ yrs old son leave Apollo Vanagaram today after full recovery from #Covid_19 was gratifying, encouraging & energizing for the entire team. Made all that we are going through worthwhile. 🙏🏼@HospitalsApollo
— Dr. Sangita Reddy (@drsangitareddy) April 24, 2020
Dharmapuri district reported a first case as a 35-year-old truck driver with a travel history to Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh tested positive.
In a worrying trend, at least 10 of the 54 persons are suspected to have contracted the infection from hospitals.
This includes two doctors, three staff nurses and a health inspector. Besides, three pregnant women and a new mother are also suspected to have caught the infection from hospitals, Health Department sources said.
One of the persons who died on Thursday was a 56-year-old woman being treated at a private hospital in Vanagaram. She tested positive on April 4.
Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital dean R Jayanthi said, “A 70-year old man who tested positive three days ago, died on Thursday. He had kidney problem.”
According to a media bulletin, the State has 908 active cases after 752 people were discharged and 20 died.