Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in association with Coimbatore Homeopathic Doctors Association (CHDA) and Vasavi Club Vanitha organized Covid – 19 Homeopathic Immune Booster distribution programme on Friday (June 19, 2020).
The association distributed 2000 vials of free medicine to all the staff members of TNAU as a preventive measure against Covid – 19.
Dr. Dinesh Samuel, Advisor of CHDA, while addressing the staff, explained that this homeopathic medicine is safe to be consumed by all age group irrespective of consuming other drugs.
He suggested having the Immuno-booster, Arsenic Album – 30 which is to be consumed by chewing three pills at a time per day for three days in the empty stomach which counts one dosage. He also busted the myths about Homeopathy medicines.
The medicines were distributed in the presence of the Vice Chancellor Kumar, T. Raguchander, Dean, Centre for Students Welfare, Kalyanasundaram, Dean, Agriculture, TNAU, Coimbatore, N. Parthiban, President of CHDA and the members and Swapna Vivek, President of Vasavi club, a release from TNAU PRO said.