Another elderly person succumbed to COVID-19 in Puducherry on Friday, taking the toll due to the viral infection to three in the Union Territory, where six fresh cases were reported. Health Minister Malladi Krishna Rao told reporters.
The Minister said that the 82-year-old man who died due to the infection in the state-run medical college hospital on Thursday hailed from neighbouring Mudaliarpet village and also had co-morbidities. Rao said six new cases were admitted on Thursday either to the State government run medical college hospital or JIPMER raising the total active pandemic stricken cases to 84 in the Union Territory.
Of the 84 active cases, 79 are under treatment in Puducherry while Mahe had four cases. Total patients discharged after recovery so far were 76 and cumulative number of COVID-19 cases were 163. The Health Minister said majority of the infection was as a result of contact tracing. Rao said that the Department of Health in association with Police, Revenue and other allied departments had been putting in maximum work to ensure that the spread was contained.
The minister reiterated that people should download the ”Arogya Sethu” mobile app as a preventive measure, Secretary to Health Prashanth Kumar Panda said, “Puducherry has one of the best hospitals and other infrastructural facilities. But the cooperation from the public is of utmost importance to flatten the covid curve in the Union Territory.” Director of Health and Family Welfare Services S Mohan Kumar, who was also present, said the six new cases admitted to the hospitals were from semi urban and rural areas.