Gujarat added 13,105 new coronavirus cases, its highest one-day rise so far, in the last 24 hours, health officials said on Thursday evening. It took the state’s caseload to 4,53,836.
2nd COVID-19 wave akin to 3rd World War: Gujarat task force member
As many as 137 patients, also the highest so far, succumbed to the infection in the last 24 hours, taking the death toll to 5,877.
It is CLARIFIED that the #CoWIN platform will be ready for 18+ beneficiaries by 24th April, however, the registrations to book appointments (starting 1st May) will begin only from 28th April 2021.#IndiaFightsCorona
— MyGovIndia (@mygovindia) April 22, 2021
Surat district recorded 27 deaths, followed by 24 in Ahmedabad, 14 each in Vadodara and Rajkot, nine in Jamnagar and five in Banaskantha. Deaths were also reported from other districts.
Ahmedabad city registered 5,142 new infections during the last 24 hours, followed by 1,958 in Surat city, 697 in Rajkot city, 598 in Vadodara city, 518 in Surat district, 444 in Mehsana and 336 in Jamnagar city.
As many as 5,010 patients recovered and were given discharge, taking the tally of recovered cases to 3,55,875 at the recovery rate of 78.41 per cent.
Active cases rose to 92,084, of which 376 are on ventilator.
So far, 91.51 lakh persons in the state have been given the first dose of coronavirus vaccine while 17.07 lakh have been administered the second dose.
On Thursday, 53,393 persons received the first dose while 81,836 received the second dose.
In the adjoining Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, 262 new cases were reported. 94 patients also recovered and were given discharge during the day.
Of 6,002 cases found in the union territory since the outbreak, four have died, 4,216 have recovered while 1,782 cases are active, said a release by the local administration.
Gujarat’s COVID-19 figures are positive cases 4,53,836, new cases 13,105, deaths 5,877, discharged 3,55,875, active cases 92,084 and people tested so far – figures not released.