The COVID-19 tally in Gujarat rose by 12,064 in the last 24 hours to reach 6,58,036, while the day also saw 13,085 recoveries and 119 deaths, an official said on Friday.
The state has so far seen 5,03,497 people getting discharged, which is 76.52 percent of the caseload, and 8,154 deaths, leaving it with 1,46,385 active cases, including 775 on ventilator support, he said.
“During the day, 17 deaths took place in Ahmedabad district, 13 in Jamnagar, 12 each in Surat and Rajkot, and 9 in Vadodara. Ahmedabad city led with 3,744 cases, followed by 903 in Surat city, 648 in Vadodara city, 497 in Mehsana district and 398 in Jamnagar city,” he added.
An official release said 1.02 crore persons had been given the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the state so far, while 29.89 lakh had got the second dose as well.
During the day, 60,613 persons received the first dose and 1,10,614 the second one, it added.
In neighbouring Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu, 124 cases were added and 210 people were discharged during the day.
The caseload of the Union Territory is 8,784, of which 67,115 have recovered and four have died, leaving it with 1,665 active cases, an official said.
Gujarat COVID-19 figures are positive cases 6,58,036, new cases 12,064, deaths 8,154, discharged 5,03,497, active cases 1,46,385 and people tested so far – figures not released.