The COVID-19 tally in Tamil Nadu mounted to 64,603 on Tuesday as 2,516 more people tested positive while 39 died of the disease taking the toll to 833 on Tuesday, a bulletin from the health department said.
நடமாடும் கொரோனா நுண்கிருமி தொற்று பரிசோதனை மையங்கள் மற்றும் தெருமுனை காய்ச்சல் முகாம்களை பொது மக்கள் பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுமாறு தமிழக சுகாதாரத்துறை செயலாளர் டாக்டர். ஜெ. இராதாகிருஷ்ணன் இஆப., அவர்கள் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.@RAKRI1#Covid19Chennai #GCC #Chennai#ChennaiCorporation
— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) June 23, 2020
Of the fresh cases, Chennai accounted for the maximum of 1,380, followed by neighbouring districts of Chengelpet (146), Tiruvallur (156) and Kancheepuram (59), a health department bulletin said adding the rest were scattered in other districts in the state.
This is the seventh successive day that the state has reported 2,000 plus cases and third day over 2,500 cases. The active cases stood at 28,428. Chennai’s share in the state count was 44,205. Those dead include a 43-year old woman and a 45-year old man while 36 had co-morbidities and three others none, the bulletin added