Tamil Nadu on Monday reported 44 COVID-19 deaths, the highest for in a single day, taking the toll to 479 and infection tally to 46,504 with 1,843 fresh coronavirus cases.
Dear Chennaites,
Here is the list of home care tips to be followed by the family members in a household with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient.#Covid19Chennai#GCC #ChennaiCorporation
— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) June 15, 2020
Those dead include a 35-year-old woman and a 34-year-old man and of the 44 people who died, 33 had co-morbidities, a health department bulletin said.
Of the 1,843 new infections, Chennai accounted for 1,257 and the count of positive cases in the state capital touched 33,244.
Today is the sixth successive day of nearly 2,000 fresh cases.
Active cases are 20,678 and those discharged from various hospitals today alone were 797 and cumulatively 25,344 people have got cured and discharged from various hospitals in the state, the bulletin added.