The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami on Thursday ordered closure of important places of worship for darshan in the state including the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai besides curtailing inter-state services by buses and trains.
The Chief Minister held a review meeting with the officials and his cabinet colleagues on Thursday. After the meeting the DIPR has released a 7-page statement, directing shutting of large retail outlets with centralised air conditioning facilities till March 31, the Chief Minister advised private sector firms to take steps to allow their employees to work from home. He mandated continuation of medical counselling by health authorities for those quarantined at home.
Outlining the new measures to contain the virus, he said temples that attracted large number of devotees, including the Madurai Meenakshi Amman, Tiruchendur Lord Subramania, Srirangam Lord Ranganathaswamy and Tiruvannamalai Sri Arunachaleswara Temples – will be closed for devotees till March 31.
However regular poojas and rituals will be performed by priests in these temples, the Chief Minister said in a statement.
Mr. Palaniswami directed authorities to advise managements of big churches and mosques in the State to temporarily bar entry to pilgrims till March 31.
He said weekly markets and large retail showrooms with centralised air conditioning – like ones dealing in textiles and jewellery – will be shut till month end effective Friday.
“Stores selling essential commodities like groceries, fruits, vegetables, pharmacies and restaurants will function as usual.” As there is a chance of disease spreading from other states, “it has been decided to cut down bus transportation between states and railways has been requested to considerably slash incoming trains,” he said. All passengers coming to Tamil Nadu by road or rail will be subjected to screening and surveillance shall be stepped up in domestic airport terminals.
Disinfectants should be sprayed twice in places where people congregate in large numbers in urban and rural regions and thrice at airports, railway, bus and metro rail stations, he added.
The Chief Minister appealed to the people to cooperate with the government to prevent the spread of coronavirus.