On the first day of complete lockdown, Tamil Nadu on Friday recorded 2,115 new coronavirus cases for the past a 24-hours, taking the state’s active cases to 23,509.
527 Fever clinics were conducted in Chennai today. 33839 people attended the clinics and 900 ILI patients were identified & tested for COVID-19 and others given medicines for minor ailments.#Covid19Chennai#GCC #Chennai#ChennaiCorporation
— Greater Chennai Corporation (@chennaicorp) June 19, 2020
A Health Department bulletin said the state’s total tally was 54,449.
With 41 more casualties, the state’s death toll increased to 666.
As many as 1,630 cured patients were discharged from various hospitals on Friday, taking the total tally to 30,271.
The number of infected children in the age group 0-12 went up to 2,701 in the state.
State capital Chennai continued to lead the corona infection table with 1,322 new cases, testing taking the city’s total to 38,327, the bulletin added.