Tamil Nadu reported 5,752 fresh COVID cases on Monday, taking the tally to 5,08,511 while the death toll mounted to 8,434 with 53 more fatalities.
Of the fresh infections, Chennai reported 991 and the remainder was spread across Tamil Nadu, a health department bulletin said. The state capital accounted for 1,49,583 out of the five lakh plus total positive cases.
The deceased included two men aged 29 and 90, a 33-year- old woman and in total 50 had co-morbidities. The 8,434 deaths include 2,992 from Chennai, while the three nearby districts of Chengelpet, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur together shared 1,260.
Recoveries outnumbered fresh cases with 5,799 patients getting discharged from various hospitals, and cumulatively 4,53,165 people have got cured and active cases were 46,912. As many as 80,123 samples were tested and in total 59,68,209 specimens have been examined. There are 170 COVID labs, 65 in government and 105 in private facilities.