The Gujarat government on Wednesday decided to provide relaxation of one year in the upper age limit in the upcoming recruitment for various vacancies.
The decision was taken by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel during the cabinet meeting in view of the fact that recruitment for government jobs could not take place for almost a year due to COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown, an official release said.
In order to allow maximum number of youths to take part in the upcoming recruitment process, the chief minister has decided to raise the upper age limit, it said, adding that the relaxation will remain in effect from September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2022, said Education Minister Jitubhai Vaghani .
With this, the age limit for the general category male candidates applying for jobs with graduation as the minimum qualification has been increased from 35 years to 36 years. Similarly, for jobs which do not require graduation as the minimum qualification, the age limit has been increased from 33 years to 34 years.
The age limit for male candidates of reserved categories applying for jobs having graduation as the minimum qualification has been increased from 40 years to 41 years. For jobs which do not require graduation as the minimum qualification, the age limit for reserved category males has been increased from 38 years to 39 years.
For the general category women, the age limit has been increased from 40 years to 41 years in the case of jobs wherein graduation is a must. For jobs that do not require graduation as the minimum qualification, the limit has been increased from 38 to 39 years for general category women, the release said.
Notably, the age limit for female candidates of reserved categories applying for jobs having graduation as the minimum qualification is 45 years at present and it will remain as it is, it added.
However, for jobs that do not require graduation as the minimum qualification, the age limit for reserved category female candidates has been raised from 43 years to 44 years.