Larsen & Toubro, the technology, engineering, manufacturing, construction & services conglomerate, on Tuesday announced that it has committed Rs 11 crores to enhance the standard of education in Tamil Nadu through various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives that was confirmed to Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu MK Stalin, at the launch of the ‘Namma School Foundation’ event in Chennai on Monday.
- The funds will help develop and build on a range of on-going activities, including providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education through its flagship CSR program titled ‘Engineering Futures’
- The initiatives, being steered in partnership with the Department of School Education, Government of Tamil Nadu, will be completed by March 31st, 2023.
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Day 1: TN CM Stalin’s ‘Namma School Foundation’ gets Rs 50 cr fund
The funds will benefit 100+ Tamil Nadu government-run schools across 10 districts of Tamil Nadu: Chennai, Kanchipuram, Coimbatore, Salem, Namakkal, Tiruvallur, Sivagangai, Tirunelveli, Chengalpet & Vellore. To be utilized in the current financial year, the funds will help develop and build on a range of on-going activities, including providing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education through its flagship CSR program titled ‘Engineering Futures’, nurturing a scientific temper among students, establishing smart classrooms, managing community learning centres for less privileged children, constructing new school buildings & renovating old ones, setting up toilet complexes, providing desks and benches, and introducing rainwater harvesting in Government schools. The initiatives, being steered in partnership with the Department of School Education, Government of Tamil Nadu, will be completed by March 31st, 2023.
“While on one hand we build infrastructure for nations, on the other, through our various CSR initiatives we are committed to build India’s social infrastructure and children & education are areas of particular focus for us,” commented a Company Spokesperson. “It is an honor to partner with the Tamil Nadu Government to take these activities to fruition and we express our sincere thanks for the opportunity to help the children of government schools in the State and contribute significantly to build a better India,” he added.
L&T’s efforts to empower the communities in which it operates focus on health, water & sanitation, skilling, & greening apart from children & education. L&T-eering or volunteering by L&T-ites also forms an integral part in the Company’s effort to transform lives for the better.