Despite levying Interconnect usage charges (IUC), the number of Jio subscribers kept on increasing in Gujarat. As per the latest figures of the telecom subscription released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), the total number of mobile users in Gujarat increased by 4.66 lakh in January 2020. By the end of January 2020, there were 6.79 crore mobile users in Gujarat.
Of the total growth, Jio contributed a maximum of 4.93 lakh users followed by Bharti Airtel with 1.07 lakh and BSNL with about 12,300 users. Only Vodafone Idea reported negative growth of 1.47 lakh subscribers.
However, despite consistency in fall, Vodafone Idea continues to be top in the chart with 2.73 crore users, followed by Jio with 2.33 crore and Airtel had 1.10 crore users. The state-owned telecom company, BSNL had 60.97 lakh users, totaling to 6.79 crore mobile users in the state.
As Jio has started providing wireline connections in Gujarat, it has become the second-largest in January 2020. BSNL leads in wireline connections with 7.38 lakh users in the state followed by Jio with 1.39 lakh users. Bharti Airtel had over 97,000 landline connections while Tata Tele had over 85,000 users. Vodafone Idea and Reliance Communication had over 33,000 and 11,000 landline connections in the state, respectively.
By end of January 2020, Gujarat had 11.04 lakh wireline connection, reveals Trai’s report.